We have been teaching both beginner and experienced speakers how to effectively share their story and God’s Word for over 24 years.
We offer two types of in-depth Speaker Training programs as well as private coaching to help you make the most impact with your talks. Our desire is to take your message deeper and to reach hearts as you partner with the Lord in your speaking ministry.
To be a part of Northwest Christian Speakers Bureau, the two-day workshop and the Step Up one-day presentation are required. We have just begun to open up membership on the bureau, so contact us if you are interested or have qeustions. These workshops are also helpful to those who don’t want to come on the bureau but still want to develop and advance their speaking ministries.
2-Day Speaker Training
This workshop is focused on helping you deepen your message, to develop your speaking style, and to make it practical and relevant to your ministry. It is required to attend this two-day workshop to be a part of the Speakers Bureau. Many people say this is a transformative time for their ministries.
NEXT DATE: February 21 and 22, 2025 in Bellingham.
Let me know if you are interested!
During this time, you will get numerous opportunities to get up to the podium and share your ideas. It’s a safe place to learn and grow. No one need come to make an impression, but to develop your gifts and your speaking ministry.
We have new speakers and seasoned pastor attend! We also work together to dig deeper into the word to meet the needs of today’s audiences.
So many times we have been told, “I didn’t know what to expect, but it was way beyond my expectations!”
Speaker Training’s are held on a Friday and Saturday once or twice a year usually in June and October.
Cost for the training = $165.
Includes two full days of speaker training, training materials, snacks and lunch.
Registration requires a $50 deposit, the full balance is due the first day of training.
QUESTIONS? Contact us for more information and future dates. 360-966-0203
Please print and mail back your registration along with a signed form of our Statement of Faith
Contact us for more information and future dates.

Step Up Speaker Training
At this one-day workshop, speakers share a prepared 30-minute message and are encouraged and evaluated with positive ideas to improve his/her style and even more important to deepen their message.
Only three people attend this workshop since we spend about an hour or more focusing on each person.
We recommend you attend our 2-Day Speaker Training (details above) before our Step Up Training. Both beginner and experienced speakers glean so much value from the Step Up Training and many have said that this has been the turning point in their speaking ministries!
Cost: $125.00
Includes speaker training, training materials, snacks and lunch.
Registration requires a $50 deposit, the full balance is due at the Step Up Training.
Please print and mail back your registration and a signed copy of the Statement of Faith.