We began our bureau over 20 years ago to serve both large and small Christian venues as speakers with servant’s hearts.
Finding the right speaker is an important and sometimes daunting part of retreat planning.
We are here to make the process seamless and help you walk through the process of choosing
the right speaker for your event with confidence.
How we Started
We are a non-denominational, non-profit (501C3) speakers bureau serving evangelical churches, retreat centers, and Christian organizations with gifted speakers. Our wide variety of speakers and topics allows you to find the perfect fit for your event.
Many event planners tell us that the hardest part of planning an event is finding the right speaker. We are here to make that an exciting and confident part of preparing for your event.
We have served the Body of Christ throughout the United States and Canada for over twenty years with rave reviews. Our fees reflect a servant's heart; we are here to serve the smallest or largest body of believers. You will find our speakers to be Biblically-based, transparent, entertaining, relevant, willing to be vulnerable, and are always spiritually challenging. They are carefully screened; we take great effort to get to know them spiritually as well as professionally.
All of our speakers have been through stringent evaluation and have signed and agree to abide by the bureau’s Statement of Faith. We recommend our speakers to you as mature believers who “walk their talk,” are
gifted and called to be speakers and teachers for the Body of Christ.
Our director, Christie Miller, can guide you through the process of choosing just the right speaker possibilities for your event. Here are ideas steps to help you find a speaker:
1. You can “browse” on this web site as each speaker has their own web page with possible topics listed and details about them and their ministries. Speakers also enjoy custom designing messages.
2. OR you can contact Christie with your theme or ideas for your event, and she can recommend one or more speakers who have powerful messages in your desired area. The speakers then email their ideas for your specific event for you to consider. You can then choose one or more of our speakers to talk with after considering their ideas. Many of our speakers have sample messages on their web pages.
3. Once you have limited the possibilities down, interviewing a speaker over the phone or even in person is a great idea. Christie can set this up for you.

Get Ready for a great event!
Our speakers are committed to being with you the entire retreat to care for and love the participating in your event.
We are not an agency but a BUREAU — meaning we don’t get fees to promote certain speakers. We personally know each of our speakers and their walks with the Lord. You have a freedom to choose a speaker.
Statement of Faith - We are a group of conservative evangelical Christians from various denominations. You may read our statement of faith. (Click here)
Our fees vary from speaker to speaker. Our director can help you work within your budget and give you an idea of costs for a certain speaker and/or an event. The committee chairmen tell us that they are pleasantly surprised at the honorariums for our speakers.

“Lift up your eyes round about and see: They all gather together. They come to You — Your sons will come from afar, and Your daughters will be carried in the arms.”