




Gilbert is a passionate, funny, sincere communicator who speaks from her heart
and His heart. Her love for life and for her Lord have carried her through
multiple challenges including emotional, mental and physical pain. 




Morna is an encourager at heart. From her counseling in a variety of issues women
deal with to coming alongside young ladies, Morna has the ability to see the
steps needed to endure hardships and see God in the midst.  

Most all of her wisdom comes from life experiences and studying Scripture
in the midst of those tragedies. 

Morna is a seasoned speaker, teaching several weekly Bible studies, as well as being a MOPS speaker, a Stonecroft speaker, and doing close to 20 retreats a year.

She is a popular speaker for home school conventions and meetings in addition to being a leader and trainer for many women’s ministries.

She is willing to take on challenging topics often neglected or ignored in the church. 

She has been married to Don since 1975 and not, yet, murdered him.

She has four children, seven grandchildren who are the apple of her eye. 

She is the founder of Damsel Squads, support/care groups for women whose men are/have been involved in sexual addictions; she has several care groups for molestation/rape victims and is founder and trainer of Focus on Character, a ministry focusing on Godly character to both secular audiences and Bible believers. 

Those who have seen her ministry in motion agree that her ministry is backed up by her character. Morna takes you deeper in your walk with the Lord because she has traveled there as well.

Everything in her life revolves around the Lord and she inspires others to move closer and closer to the Lord.

All of Morna’s retreats include a custom bound booklet with your theme, handouts, schedule, music, etc. (per retreat team’s desire). Most all Morna’s presentations include a Power Point.




  • 35 years teaching Bible Studies

  • 25 years of experience as a speaker to groups

  • Based out of Eastern Washington

    Serves the United States and Canada



Moral Purity

Comfort and guidance in betrayal

- over the past 100 years

Seeing the Storms of life
from His perspective

Dealing with Pornography
in our Homes

- the good, the bad and the ugly


Heart - Morna’s story

Damsels Fighting for True Love -
for wives to understand their men

For Knights Only -
for husbands to understand their women

Identity Theft - the importance of character

Rebuilding the Ancient Ruins -
a twelve week Bible study on tearing down strongholds 


Regenerated Heart

“Empowering Parents of Young Ladies” – DVD

“Empowering Parents of Young Men” - Book and DVD

“PURE Wives” – DVD

Identity Theft:
A Crisis in Character

Rebuilding the Ancient Ruins

“Character vs. Achievement” (audio CD) –

For Knights Only

Morna has also been a featured columnist in “Today’s Culture, God’s People” with her “Sexy Spirituality” series.
In addition, she has been published in Guidepost’s Best Angel Stories 2013 and 2014 and
The Old Schoolhouse, homeschooling magazine – November 2013.



"She's a woman of prayer who seeks God first. You can tell she spent precious time with God
to receive the message for our group from HIM!"
"She relates so well with any age audience.....even our 12 + year olds loved her! She connected!”

"She's used by God to call hearts towards Him.....intimately."

“She encourages.....she mentors....when she doesn't even know she is doing it!"

"She communicates Biblical truths, important ones, in a non-confrontational, clear and life-changing way."

"The things she shared worked with the Holy Spirit to change my absolutely turn me around!"

"Anytime...anywhere, I'd go to hear more from her!"

"She connects! No doubt about it! She captured everyone's interest!"

"Very discerning at how God might be leading....never giving into the world's ways."

"Victorious! What she shared was so encouraging."

"She articulates God's word in amazing ways."

"She's very grounded in the scriptures and LOVES women and teaching them."

"She's compassionate...listens first and listens well."

"Her messages are always inspiring and thought provoking."

"She has a beautiful sweetness about her."

"Oh yes! She challenged us...the truths were hard to swallow at times,
but we knew it was truth...God was speaking to each of our hearts."

"She kept us riveted to our seats with hearts open," reported a retreat committee chairman.


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